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Corso Ayurvedico_BeautySpaTherapist

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Ayurvedic Massage Course
Program course Ayurvedic massage  - basic
Introduction to the course,
Disease and its spiritual aspetcts; signs and interpretation of the meaning of disease, in-depth analysis of the of physical area of the individual knowledge, mental area, emotional area, chemical area, spiritual area, healing approach following the allopathic medicine and holistic medicine,  referring the attention to the  5 areas of each individual (physical, chemical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic). ,
Approach to the concept of stress (know it, reduce it, delete it),  stress recognition thanks to signals as psychological symptoms and somatic symptoms, list of methods of stress reduction;
Massage brief as a therapeutic act; the importance of contact; The energy: study of the 7 major Chakra; what they are, where they are, what they control, their associated colors, the basic principles of energy;
Basic maneuvers of  the massage in supine and prone position;
Basic maneuvers of ayurveda;
Benefits and general and specific contraindications of the massage;
Conclusion: opinions, insights, questions and answers.

Teaching materials delivered during the course Ayurvedic massage 1°Level: Booklet
, participation certificate, audio cd, key pass area web

Duration: 16 hours

Teacher: Masseur Therapist and Yoga teacher Cristian Sinisi (www.cristiansinisi.it)

Fee Master Ayurvedic Massage Course info>>>

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